What type of Dance will make your heart beat the fastest?
For the 3rd Grade
By learning about different types of dances, we will come to know that some dances will be a piece of cake and others will make you lose your breath! After we do each dance in class, we will record our heart beats on excel.
We will do this exercise together in class. We dance to five
dances, Salsa, Soca, Interpretive , Jazz and Ballet. Before
every dance that we will do, we will take our pulse. Then after we finish every dance we will take our pulse again to see if there is any difference. Then we will record the differences.
Now that we are finished dancing we are going to open up Excel
And record our heartbeats.
1. In the A column we are going to type in the types of dances.
2. In the C column is where you are going to put your first heart rate. The one that you did before you did this specific dance. You will do this for each dance.
3. In the E column you are going to write your second heart rate. This is the pulse that you will be taking after you have done the dance. You will do this after each dance.
4. Then we are finished recording our heart rates we will have one pie graph for the whole class. This graph will consists of five sections one for each dance that we did. The students whose heart beat was the fastest for each dance their names will go for in that specific section of the graph. Example, out of all the dances that Ariana did her heart rate was the fastest after dancing to Soca. So Ariana's name will go in the Soca section of the pie chart.
5. Then after we are finished putting our names in the pies chart we will print it and hang it up on the wall.